Articles are grouped here by topic. Those that relate to several topics are listed under each. See OTEC and CCS for additional writing by Mary Ellen Pinzino.
Awakening Artistry in the Choral Rehearsal (International Choral Bulletin 2006) A very substantial article, relevant to music learning in every context. Addresses movement and musicality, bringing together music teaching/learning with early childhood, children’s chorus, and college choirs.
Audiation In Flight (Michigan GIML 2005) Addresses movement and musicality in song, with demonstration songs for children. (Also included in Online Workshops)
Feed the Meter (Southwest Division ACDA 2006, reprinted in two different publications of Sweet Adelines International) Addresses the importance of meter in performance.
Ode to Movement (Letters On Music Learning 2007) Early writing of reflections on movement.
Rhythm and Movement
Music Learning
Letters On Music Learning (E-Book, Letters On Music Learning 2007) Series of Compilation of six years of reflections on music teaching and learning at the Come Children Sing Institute. Topics include movement, a new tonal syllable system, music reading and writing, art songs for young children, and classroom research on the development of tonal and rhythm audiation in relation to the work of Edwin Gordon. Significant stand-alone articles are included here.
Song Writing (1991) An account of the creative process of song writing in action.
Children’s Artistry
Series of Conversations with Dr. Rick Townsend.
Songs for Children
Early Childhood
Series of Conversations with Dr. Rick Townsend, Managing Director of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association.
(See also—Parenting Music, audio presentation from CCS Online Music Classes 2009
Special Needs
The Work of Edwin Gordon
Technology in Music Education
Series of Conversations with Dr. Rick Townsend, Managing Director of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association.
About the SONG LIBRARY, when introduced as a new piece of software, including screen shots |